Wednesday, 23 May 2012

5 ways to lose a good professional nanny

Parents, I'm always happy to offer advice and here is my action plan to lose your good nanny:

1. Be mean and don't negotiate with a nanny over pay increases and leave.  You could even go so far as insisting the nanny provide her own tea and coffee.  You pay the nanny to work, not sit around drinking tea and coffee.

2. Be unreliable and stay late at work without notice and negotiation.  Your time and job is important, and nannies shouldn't have a life of their own.

3. Be inconsiderate and insist on the nanny doing the housework you hate eg washing up from the previous night's dinner party; washing and ironing your clothes.  'Other duties as required' in a contract means just that, and when the children are asleep or occupied, there is plenty of time to do 'extras".

4. Be thoughtless and refuse to acknowledge the work your nanny is doing with your child/children.

5. Be jealous and accuse the nanny of trying to take your child's affection.  You are the parent and even if the nanny spends more time with and is more responsive to the child, you should get cross and put the nanny down when the children say, 'Jemima always takes us to the park' or 'lets us eat jelly'.

Watch out next time for '5 ways for a nanny to lose a dream job.'

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