The complicated Australian
system of government means that responsibility for childcare is divided
between the federal and state governments. This means that the states
have responsibility for regulation of childcare, while the while the
Commonwealth has the major funding role. And the old adage rules: 'who
holds the purse strings holds the power.'
The Prime Minister has
announced the terms of reference for a Productivity Commission inquiry
into Early Childhood services. This will impact on families, childcare
workers, agencies, services and taxpayers. He announced that the inquiry
will focus on developing a system that that is flexible,results in increased workplace participation and ensures that children's
developmental and educational needs are met. No
commitment to increased funding has been made at this stage.
The press release announcing the
inquiry, stated that 'The market for child care and early childhood learning
services is large, diverse and growing, and it touches the lives of practically
every family in Australia. Almost all children in Australia participate in some
form of child care or early learning service at some point in the years before
starting school. ' Many people, particularly women, say that they are
'unable to work because they are unable to find suitable and/or affordable
childcare.' This includes the limited hours of most services which were
set up to meet the needs of people working 9-5, near home, rather than working
shifts or extended hours or with long travel times. Concern was also expressed
about the needs of vulnerable and disabled children, and those who are entering
school with significant learning and developmental delays.
Home based childcare provides
families some flexibility in working arrangements and our nannies are well
equipped to help children with developmental delays and disabilities, but we
also need to ensure our workers do not work excessively long hours and are
adequately paid.
I have long believed that the extension of the childcare
rebate to families in this sector would help with the costs and be equitable
with childcare centres. Another option, which the Productivity Commission
will consider is the New Zealand model where home-based care is subsidised for
low and middle income families when it is provided by a registered carer who is
supported by an educational service.
Parents, nannies and other
interested parties need to keep informed about these issues, think about them
and be prepared to act to ensure we get a system that meets the government's
objective of 'a system that is not only affordable, but ensures people can work
flexible hours whilst knowing that their children are receiving high quality
child care.'
Articles from The Age: Prime Minister's Announcement 17/11/2013
Support for Nannies 18/11/2013
Childcare centres vs nannies 19/11/2013
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